Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You Can't Miss: WIRED

The US and UK issue of WIRED are extremely similar. See:

magCulture had an interesting critique of both covers. The US version, as you can see, is a rough, muscular hand with the wrench and the wood background. This is really iconic of the Industrial Revolution. The UK version on the other hand (no pun intended) calls back to Russian constructivism. Apparently, magazines with international versions share similar content frequently, but rarely is the feature story presented on the cover in such a similar way.

This is a good example of how content driven design is influenced by the context in which it is created and presented. What if the US version looked like the UK version and vice versa? There would have been less impact on both parts. The American idea of revolution is vastly different from the European idea.

p.s. magCulture noted that UK Wired doesn't jump stories to back of the book. Interesting.

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