Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Critique: Short Talk and Cover Concepts

This past week I designed Short Talk for April 1. Vox had double production because next week is Spring Break (I'll post my design after the issue runs. I don't want to spoil any amazing illustrations that it might contain...) In addition to short talk, I designed three cover concepts for an issue that will run in mid April. It's another several-smaller-stories story. My favorite is the green one. It is so bright and refreshing – that is what the feature is trying to get across, the soothing feeling of being happy. The second one I completely agree that it is more of a celebratory piece. The idea for this concept is the more joyful side of being happy, less tranquility side. The photo is mainly a place holder for what I image to be a blast of a photoshoot involving balloons and confetti. This image was actually taken at a New Years Eve concert I went to. After the count down, hundreds (and I mean HUNDREDS) of theses balloons were set free in the convention center. It amazing. I was happy, haha. The third concept is, yes, extremely cliche – person running across the beach having been set free. The idea was more for the beach...the awful silhouette doesn't have to stay.

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