Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Response: TrueFalse

This past weekend was the TrueFalse Film Festival. Although I thoroughly enjoyed all three films I attended, I wish I could have seen more :(

During the weeks leading up to the event and the event weekend itself, the TrueFalse logo can be found all around downtown Columbia. It is on t-shirt, jackets, newspapers, magazine, and decals on store windows. It is successful branding. It is instantly recognizable. As I've been working on a top-secret logo project, I've given more thought to the logos that I encounter on a regular basis. Why is it that color? Why is it that shape? How to that be used in another situation? Is my loyalty to a product or service based on the logo? These are things that have come to mind as I think about the different types of logos I see.

LogoDesignLove has an archived post related to logo design that I've found helpful. There are ten logo design tips to consider as you work on any logo project.

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